Friday, April 29, 2011

The War Hoard

There is an interesting phenomenon in times of war, and I am sure other potentially lean times.  It is what we refer to here as hoarding.  I first noticed with people who have gone through World War II, and the depression.  Those people would take a couple of extra jellies from the restaurant, in case they may need them someday in the future.  Here in SL, there is a similar attitude about things.  New things are saved, and not used.  They are stock piled, and admired, but not used.  We at MSF have provided many materials for the hospital.  However, the Matron, remember her, doesn't want to use anything that is new.  She would rather save the new stuff for something else.  I am not sure what.  When we brought this up in our small groups, everyone agreed that we were seeing war hoarding.

I'm not sure how long it lasts.  But I would guess it is a generation.  At least.

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