Friday, April 22, 2011

The VOGs

Rainy and Dr. Kim at Point Pedro
As of now I am the only surgeon for MSF in Sri Lanka.  I am supposed to be based out of Mullaitivu, but am currently helping out in Point Pedro.  MSF is lucky to have two VOG's.  This is MSF speak for ObGyn doctors.  Rainy, the shorter of the two is based in Point Pedro.  This is her first mission.  She was a classmate of mine at my information days in NYC, where MSF had the final say as to whether or not we were worthy of joining.  She is retired from her private practice, but she does do locums work when she is in the states.  She has also done a lot of other volunteer work. This is her first mission with MSF.  I think that SL has been a bit tough on her.  The food doesn't agree with her, and she requires Diet Coke, which is nearly impossible to find.  One of the admin guys did find a stash of Diet Coke in Jaffna, about 30 miles from Point Pedro, and bought as much as he could for her.  She is very dedicated, and works extremely hard to give the best care possible.  Rainy is from the New England area of the USA.

Dr. Kim, melting the Icy Matron (Flying Nun)
Dr. Kim, as she is known, is based in Mullaitivu.  She arrived a couple of weeks after I did.  She and I have worked as a team to help set up the new Operating Theater in the hospital at MTV.  She has also been saddled with reorganizing and improving the ObGyn department, primarily Labor and Delivery in the hospital.  Her biggest obstacle has been the Matron.  Basically the highest ranking nursing officer in the hospital whose empire was primarily L and D.  We refer to her as the flying nun, although she technically is not a nun.  Dr. Kim is melting the ice that the Matron throws her way.  It has not been easy as the Matron is jostling for position and power.  However, L and D is now the best area of the hospital, and the Matron is almost ready to admit it.  Dr. Kim is from Texas, and has a smile as wide as the state.  She loves to say "Y'all."  This is her first mission.  She recently gave up her private practice to join MSF.

The two VOG's and myself make up the American contingent.  As you may have realized by reading these posts, most of the people on this mission are from Asia or Europe.  It is very interesting having the majority of the team speak English as a second (or third) language.

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