Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dr. Ben

Dr. Ben at his garden
I have failed tell you about the great people with whom I work.  Dr. Ben is an Emergency Room doctor in Mullaitivu.  I think that this is his second mission with MSF.  He is from Hong Kong.  Although he is rich with experience, he appears quite young.  I am very impressed with Ben.  He handles the ER as well as anyone.  He is cool under pressure, and never shows much strain.  He is very well trained, but despite that, he is going to back for a residency for Anesthesia, so he is always studying, except when he is fishing.  After work, nearly every day, Ben rides one of our bikes about 8 km to a bridge near the ocean.  There he fishes to his heart's delight.  He brings back his catch, and shares with everyone.  One of his specialties is fish soup, made with fresh ginger.  Sometimes he will fry up the small fish, which none of us can identify, and we will eat them that way.  He was very excited last week because he caught a big eel, but it was too big for his line, and the line broke.  He is also a gardener, and has planted ginger, mint, and a couple of pineapples.  If he can get things to grow in this soil, he is in the wrong business.  Ben is fiercely independent, and it seems like nothing fazes him.  I sure hope to see him again on another mission.  He provides humor, perspective, and food.

1 comment:

  1. he catched some nice fish last satruday. it was some kind of fish that looks after their baby fish in their month. we named the fish "Flora" as the container in which he put the fish had this name on it. now she is waiting to enter our stomachs... Thanks Dr.Ben for treating patients and feeding us.
