Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The French Connection

Charlotte is our psychologist, and is currently acting Field Coordinator since Sam left.  She is from Paris, and can roll her own cigarrettes.  In fact, her family is nice enough to send her very special tobacco from the Basque region, and very special papers, that I believe are somehow organic.  Certainly not average.  Her plate is full, with the mental health team, and now FieldCo.  She does a great job of keeping things running, despite her increase in responsibilities.

Frederik is our psychiatrist.  She has been here for a couple of weeks, and actually extended for a couple, but is getting ready to leave.  She works for MSF in Paris, and has done many missions.  She doesn't roll her own, but buys them already made.  Frederik has a great deal of experience, and really does a great job.  She is able to keep things in perspective, and realizing what the resources locally are, appropriately does what she can.

The mental health needs are great.  This is situation where families do not know where their loved ones are, or if they are even alive.  The suicide rate is very high, and does not seem to be going down.  They are dealing with career ending injuries, so that they have no way of making a living.  When you hear the stories, it is hard not to cry.  Many people of been skeptical about MSF delving into mental health, but afte seeing what is out there, I am convinced that in situations like this they are invaluable.

The French pretty much hang out together, and fall back into their native language.  But it is nice to have some Europeans about.  They make sure we have beer in the fridge, and cheese for breakfast.

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