Thursday, April 21, 2011

Daniela, the Pharmacist

I met Daniela on the day that I arrived in Colombo.  She works as the head pharmacist for MSF in Sri Lanka, and is therefore based out of the capital.  She does get around, and has to make regular visits to the smaller sites.  She just arrived in Point Pedro, and will go to Mullaitivu in a day or two.  The Pharmacist is not only responsible for the medications that we use, but is also responsible for the medications that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has.  Any supplies used for medical treatment also comes through the pharmacy.  It is a big job.  Daniela does it well.  She is from Italy and other than her blond hair and green eyes, she is quintessentially Italian.  Her Italian accent is hilarious, and is better than anything out of the Godfather.  She will say, "Good-a morning-a.  Is-a there-a some-a bread-a?  Are you-a going-a to the hospital-a?"  She keeps a great attitude, despite the sometimes frustrating interaction with the MOH.  I think that this is her first mission.  She gave up her flat, and her belongings to go on the mission.  She likes to cook, and spent an entire day with our cooks in Mullaitivu teaching them how to make pasta.  We are all very thankful for those efforts.

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