Wednesday, April 20, 2011



I remember a statement made by Billy Graham when asked if he prayed on the golf course.  He said that of all the places where he prayed, that was the place where God was least likely to answer.  Prayer for many people is a bargaining.  Trying to reach an agreement or compromise.  "God, if you let me make this 12 foot putt, there is $50 more in the plate on Sunday."  Or "God, if I can get at least an 85% on this final exam, I'll only drink one six pack in celebration."  There just doesn't seem to be the dedication to always make the deal.  The other day, however, I had the chance to see some Hindu prayer.  Now this is real bargaining.  There were two men suspended by hooks through their skin, and arrows through their mouths.  They were essentially hanging from a long boom in front of a tractor.  The tractor was moving down the road relatively slowly, attempting to soften the bumps, but with the state of the roads, they were still swinging up and down quite wildly.  I was actually amazed that the skin had not torn through.  They don't appear to be in pain.  I have been told by my Hindu colleagues that this is a special prayer, and not everyone does that.

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