Friday, April 22, 2011


Toto is from Japan, and is our chief logistician.  He is based out of Colombo, the capital city.  The picture of him doesn't do him justice.  He is not only a great DJ at a party, but a great cook of Japanese and Asian cuisine.  He has a unique ability to see through a lot of fog and make sense out of what is left.  He understands what is needed for a mission, and he makes it happen.  And he knows how to drink beer.

When I met him, he was getting ready to leave for Japan, shortly after the earthquake.  MSF had asked him to go for several reasons, but the main ones were that he speaks the language, and that he can prioritize needs for a mission.  As he waited to be shipped to Japan, the orders changed, and he was able to remain in SL to continue our missions here.  I'm not sure how we would have managed without his knowledge of the missions here in SL.  I'm sure we would have been OK, but Toto definitely enhances the medical mission by making sure that we have what we need.

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.


  1. Hey Daniel, thanks for the great pic and comments. I wish I could put these comments in my evaluation paper with MSF to justify my drinking behaviors for my hard work!

    Yes, I was about to go to Japan for the emergency relief aid and was about to cut my hair bold as there were recommendations from 2 MSF medical colleagues. They educated me that cutting hair can avoid the radiation sticking to my hair and contaminating my teammates when I come back to Sri Lanka (Okay, this latter part is my joke...).

    So in the end, I did not go to Japan and saved my hair from unnecessary deforestation.

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