Thursday, March 31, 2011


There was a big party put on by our national staff last night. It was to celebrate the work that Sam Depoeh has done as the project coordinator. He is from Liberia, and will leave this MSF posting next week. From what I can tell, he has done a great job and will be greatly missed. I know that I will miss him. He has extensive knowledge of the area, and the underlying politics that still affect us daily. My driver Paul, a local Tamil, sat next to me as we toasted to Sam. 'To Sam' and then a drink. 'To the snake house', then a drink. 'To Ganesh' we yelled, then a drink. 'To the monkey god' we'd yell, then a drink. 'To the dog god' then a drink. Luckily, we couldn't remember many other gods, but these were all gods that had local shrines that we have visited. We did eventually get back to Sam. He is a good man, and I wish him well.

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