Monday, March 21, 2011

The hospital

The hospital that we are working at was built after the tsunami in 2004 washed the previous one away. This new one is further inland, and should not be in danger. It is a two story hospital, and is primarily run by the Ministry of Health (MOH). However, there has not been any surgical capacity (no ORs) until now. Apparently MSF was prepared to build the ORs but UNICEF was given a directed gift by a private donor to build the OR. So of course, they did. There were a few things that were not perfect, as they are not really in that business, but we are correcting some of the minor things. There is going to be a dedication, with the local governor, the brother of the Prime Minister, and other bigwigs this next Tuesday. They thought that it would be especially memorable if we could perform the first surgery in the new OR on that day, and could it please be a C-section, so that the bigwigs could have a photo op with the new baby. I sure hope that gets vetoed.

The head nurse of the OR is from Japan, and seems to be very good. She has been here for about 2 months getting the whole OR organized. The only major thing that we are currently missing is a bovie. I wish that I had taken the old broken one from Decorah. Although on second thought, it probably wouldn't have worked here either.

They just got the bullet holes in the hospital filled the other day. It amazing that it was strafed the way that it was.

There are several families of monkeys living at the hospital. I haven't had the chance to introduce myself yet.

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