Sunday, March 27, 2011

Humanitarian Principles

The humanitarian principles that guide MSF are as follows:


The mission of MSF is to:
Provide emergency medical care to populations in need. These needs may be secondary to war or natural disaster. They may also include neglected diseases (ie. those diseases that do not represent a profit for drug companies.)

Provide temoignage, or witnessing. This means having the ability to describe to the world the situations that these populations in need are experiencing.

In the case of Sri Lanka, the temoignage is reduced. The government will punish the organization and the people involved, by reducing access to the people in need. We have seen this already. Great care is taken with communications to reduce the risk of losing our access. This discussion has occurred at the highest levels of MSF. The decision to compromise one of our fundamental missions is not taken lightly. But in this case, it preserves the ability to provide for the first mission -- taking care of populations in need.

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