Friday, July 6, 2012

Road Warrior

Because the UN helicopter could not deliver us to Alek to picked up by the MSF vehicles, we are now preparing to drive by road to Gogrial.  It is a long way.  The roads are very poor.  Because they are poor, it is routine to send two vehicles, in case one would get stuck.  I have been chosen to ride shotgun in one of the vehicles, while Dominic, our Kenyan logistician, will be in the other.  The plan is to try to get to Gogrial by nightfall.  I sure hope that we make it there.  If not, it will mean a night in the bush, which could be quite the experience.  If the rains don't come too hard, and the road isn't too washed, and the gas tank isn't too empty ... if, if, if.  But I trust in the LandCruiser.  I do get this vision in my head of old MSF photos; of LandCruisers being pushed and pulled by MSF workers, trying to get them out of the mud.  Of ropes around trees, and of people on the roofs of the vehicles giving directions to the drivers who can barely see through the splashing mud.  I want to have a bandana wrapped around my leg, a black leather jacket with a shoulder pad sewn into it.  And a limping dog next to me.  Mel Gibson, you got nothing on us.

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