Monday, July 16, 2012

Exit Wound Update

After the return of the man who had been shot by the AK47, we took him to the OT for re-evaluation of his wounds after he left the hospital for a traditional healer.  The family still did not think that the wounds were bad, until we showed them.  The wounds were grossly infected, and maggots wriggled in a couple of the wounds.  Pus, and an awful smell, seemed to come forth in waves.  It almost made me want to gag.  His hand is not salvageable.  In fact, his forearm is not salvageable.  I was hoping that we would be able to amputate below the elbow, to give him at least a usable 'hook' at the elbow joint.  We will not be able to do that.  The tissues are too far gone.  Tomorrow, if they consent, we will proceed with an amputation.  I just hope that the infection hasn't made its way up into the upper arm.

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