Friday, July 6, 2012

Into Africa

It is July 6th.  My journey started several days ago.  I flew from Madison to Chicago, then on to Brussels, where I had MSF briefings for several hours to help understand the context of the project, then on to Addis Ababa later that day.  There I met a fellow traveler named Lazarus, who was actually going to Juba, the capital of South Sudan.  I found out that he works with MSF Belgium, and we were going to the same office.  We flew from Addis to Juba.  Once at Juba International Airport, which makes it sound like an impressive place (its not!), I had the opportunity to pay $100 for a visa.  And please, the one hundred dollar bill (that's all they take) must be 2006 or newer.  I had heard this before setting out, and went to 2 local banks in town, neither of which had newer bills.  Luckily, I got through with a nearly perfect 2006 Ben Franklin.
And then the adventure started.

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