Sunday, February 20, 2011

The question of Why?

The question comes up regularly, and it reasonable to ask it. Why do this? Why now? Why MSF? The answer is as complex as the question, but bears discussion. First and foremost, I went into the field of medicine for the same reasons many of us do -- to help people who need help. MSF is expert in finding the people who need help. They do it without judgement or prejudice. They don't care about religion or proselytizing their beliefs. They don't care about politics, or who did what to whom. What they do care about is the human condition. They are a humanitarian organization. They are not a human rights organization. They are proud of what they do, and they are good at it. In 1999, MSF won the Nobel Peace Prize. That kind of speaks for itself.

Why me and why now. That takes more time, but I'm working on it.

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